Daily Note: 25 June 2018

Planned activities for the day:

  • Watercolor pencil activity
  • Paper helicopters

Highlights of the day:

The "phone" whining made me very grumpy and cranky

Before 6:00 in the morning, which is like 5:00 A.M. in the Philippines, Mateo was asking for a phone in a very whiny voice while still on the bed. Then he asked for butter cookies.

Then at a more normal time in the morning, he was again looking for "his" phone or was trying to get my phone from me. In a very whiny voice. I hated it.

Then he did not take a nap after telling me that he was going to sleep.

And he peed in his shorts two or three times.

Triggered. I was very grumpy and cranky. I was so mad that I wanted to throw my phone very hard (but not mad enough to do it).

Phone use/gadget use is much of a nuisance for me. I hate how Mateo behaves when he spends time using it.

So, no cellphone from Mommy anymore, even timed phone sessions.


He enjoyed the playground. He was hesitant to climb up the ropes at first. But I was told that he was gaining confidence as time went on until he finally did it. Because of his playground play, he fell asleep by 8:00 P.M.

Balloon Lego car

We experimented how to make that balloon car work. Of course, I was the one who actually tinkered with the car to make it work. He enjoyed blowing the balloon up both by using the manual air pump and by manually blowing into it with his mouth (and saliva).

Colored markers

When he saw the colored markers we bought from Daiso, he took it and asked for papers. We discussed about straight lines, wavy lines, zigzag, and curved lines. He scribbled, drew circles, and finally was confident enough to draw or write even random lines on the papers. I had the hypothesis that he was a bit of a perfectionist when drawing -- that he did not want to draw just any line, but wanted to draw things or shapes clearly, and because of this he always just watches me write and draw. Finally, he did it.

All by himself. Scribbles only, but I'm happy that he did it.

We also discussed short and long lines. I also asked him to trace a line. And when he asked me to draw Peppa Pig, that's what he got. He said that's not Peppa Pig, so I asked him to name it, and he said it's Mateo.

Watercolor pencils

Not much fun activity. He just wanted to "paint" with the water, and did not want to draw using the pencils.

Paper helicopters

I just leave the paper helicopters on the table. Seems like he enjoys throwing them.

Others in pictures

He asked me to take a photo

Photo by Mateo

Ideas for next lessons:

  • More artworks
  • Rocket balloon (using straw)
  • Straw and pompom balls and other things

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